Discovering the Divine Within: A Dual Pathway to Knowing Yehovah and Yourself

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Embarking on a spiritual journey often evokes a duality of exploring one’s inner self while seeking a deeper understanding and connection with the divine, Yehovah. It is a pathway laden with learning, introspection, and cultivation of a life resonant with higher principles outlined in sacred scriptures. This rich exploration stands on the premise that understanding…

Unveiling the Foundations: Yehovah’s Feasts, Roman Counterparts, and the Echoes in Scriptures — A Journey of Rediscovery

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By ADMIN In the intricate tapestry of history woven with threads of diverse traditions and beliefs, the need to rediscover and adhere to the true path illuminated by Yehovah’s directives stands paramount. This expedition of rediscovery immerses us in the rich narratives from the scriptures, guiding us to distinguish Yehovah’s feasts from their Roman counterparts and…

The Ultimate Intercessor: Yeshua as Our Great High Priest and the Human Layers that Obscure Him

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By ADMIN Introduction The role of spiritual leadership in religious communities is often a central point of focus. Ministers, pastors, and bishops stand as the shepherds of their congregations, providing guidance and wisdom. However, this hierarchy raises an important question: are these human leaders inadvertently standing in the way of our true Mediator, Yeshua, the Great…

The Waters of Renewal: Unveiling the Deep Significance of Baptism

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By ADMIN Baptism is a cornerstone in the journey of faith for many believers. This sacred rite serves as a passage—ushering one into a life committed to Yehovah and His teachings. But why is baptism so vital, and what does it signify? Let’s delve into the profound layers of this ritual. The Historical Context of Baptism…

Rest and Shalom: The Dual Blessings of Yehovah

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By ADMIN In a world that seems to be constantly moving, never pausing, never ceasing in its demands, the words of Yeshua in the book of Matthew offer a deep well of comfort and promise: “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28, KJV). This…

The Everlasting Significance of the Fall Feasts: Yehovah’s Command for All Israel

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The Fall Feasts—Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot—are not merely cultural traditions but divinely instituted feasts meant for all of Israel and those who sojourn with them. Commanded to be observed by all future generations “as long as heaven and earth endure” (Matthew 5:18), these feasts are prophetic pictures pointing toward Yeshua and the redemptive…