“The Story of Joachim and Anna: The Parents of Mary”

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Joachim and Anna are central figures in the apocryphal Protoevangelium of James, providing context for the miraculous birth of Mary, the mother of Yeshua. Their story is one of faith, persistence, and divine intervention, setting the stage for the arrival of Gabriel and the announcement to Mary. This post explores the lives of Joachim and…

“Joseph’s Final Hours: Apocryphal Insights into His Passing”

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Joseph, the earthly father of Yeshua, is often depicted as a quiet but steadfast presence in the New Testament. Yet, details about his later life and death are scant in the canonical texts. To learn more about Joseph’s final hours, we turn to “The History of Joseph the Carpenter,” an apocryphal text that provides a…

The Plan of Salvation of Yehovah for His Children

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IntroductionIn the grand tapestry of existence, Yehovah has intricately woven a divine blueprint for the redemption and eternal joy of His children. This plan, profound in its scope, not only promises spiritual salvation but also frames our earthly journey—a journey meant to prepare us for an everlasting union with Him. Creation and PurposeFrom the beginning,…

Heaven, Earth, and Humanity’s Ultimate Destiny: A Deep Dive into Biblical Promises

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The common images of heaven—as an eternal vacation, floating on clouds with idyllic leisure—are imaginative but starkly different from the biblical depiction of the afterlife and humanity’s ultimate destiny. Let’s delve deeper into the Scriptures to explore the profound theological visions of heaven and a renewed Earth. Heaven: The Holy Dwelling of God Heaven as…

Navigating Sabbath Observance: Understanding Exceptions in Military and Beyond

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The Primacy of Life and Duty In Jewish law, the sanctity of the Sabbath is a cornerstone of faith, a day dedicated to rest and spiritual reflection. However, the practical and ethical framework of Judaism also provides for circumstances where Sabbath observance must yield to higher imperatives, such as saving lives and maintaining safety. This…

Trusting Our Heavenly Father When Earthly Fathers Fall Short

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In life, not all of us are blessed with nurturing earthly fathers. I recall a vivid memory from my childhood, one that shaped my understanding of trust profoundly. My father asked me to climb a tree, high above the safety of the ground. Upon reaching a branch he deemed sufficient, he called for me to…

Understanding Israel: The People and The Promise

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In the tapestry of biblical history and prophecy, the identity of Israel holds a profound significance that transcends time, geography, and even lineage. Israel is not just a nation on the map; it’s a concept deeply embedded in spiritual, historical, and covenantal contexts. To grasp the essence of who Israel is, we must explore its…

The Sabbath: A Sign of Our Covenant with Yehovah

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In the rhythm of our weekly lives, the Sabbath holds a profound place for those walking in the path of Yeshua and adhering to the teachings of the Torah. Observing the Sabbath on the appointed day, from Friday evening to Saturday evening, is not merely a matter of tradition but a deep expression of our…