Comparing Biblical Canons: Ethiopian Bible vs. King James Version (KJV)

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Historical and Linguistic Context: Translation Philosophy and Techniques: Evolution of Scriptures Across Different Traditions 1. Hebrew Bible vs. Septuagint: 2. Vulgate vs. Textus Receptus: 3. King James Version (KJV) vs. New International Version (NIV): 4. Ethiopian Bible vs. Eastern Orthodox Bible: Summary and Theological Implications The various canonical and translation differences across Christian traditions not…

Unraveling the Mystery: Who is Melchizedek, Really?

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Melchizedek is one of the most intriguing figures in the Bible. He appears only once in Genesis 14:18-20 and again in Hebrews 5:6, 7:1-3, and 11:10. But who was this enigmatic king-priest? Let’s dive into the mystery! The Biblical Account In Genesis 14:18-20, Melchizedek is described as a king of Salem (meaning “peace”) who meets…

“Symbols of Faith: The Tape on the Wall and Other Powerful Reminders”

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Introduction:In life and faith, symbols hold profound significance, bridging the gap between the seen and unseen. From the universally recognized cross to the simple ichthys or fish symbol, these icons compel us to remember the foundational truths of our beliefs. This post delves into the symbolism found in biblical narratives and everyday life, beginning with…

“The Real Enemy Revealed”

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As believers, we’re often told to “resist the devil and he will flee from you” (James 4:7). But have you ever stopped to think about what exactly we’re resisting? In Ephesians 6:12, it says: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers of darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil…

The Importance of Prayer: Lessons from Yeshua’s Teachings

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As followers of Yeshua, we know that prayer is an essential part of our relationship with Yehovah. But how often do we actually take the time to pray? In this post, we’re going to explore some lessons on prayer from Yeshua’s teachings and examine biblical stories that demonstrate the power of prayer. In Matthew 6:5-8,…

“From Exile to Embrace: The Journey of the Lost Tribes and the Prodigal Son”

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Introduction:The mystery of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel and the poignant story of the Prodigal Son share a deep, underlying narrative of separation, redemption, and the enduring hope of return. Both stories, rooted in scripture, explore themes of departure from one’s origins and the journey back to reconciliation. Historical Background:The story of the Lost…

“Beyond Scripture: Ten Astonishing Ways the Bible Influences Our World”

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Introduction The Bible is not just a foundational spiritual document but also a profound influencer of laws, literature, culture, and personal beliefs globally. This post delves into ten lesser-known yet fascinating ways in which the Bible shapes our world, complete with historical specifics and insightful references. Rooted in texts like Exodus (circa 1440–1400 BC) and…

Yeshua: The Final Prophet, Priest, and King

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Introduction In the Christian faith, Yeshua (Jesus) is heralded as the consummate fulfillment of the prophetic, priestly, and kingly roles traditionally delineated in the Hebrew Scriptures. A profound theological belief holds that following Christ’s crucifixion, God momentarily turned His face away from humanity, marking a pivotal two-day period of divine withdrawal. This article delves into…

Understanding the Divine Nature of Yeshua: A Comprehensive Insight

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Many people express belief in God but struggle with the concept of Jesus, or Yeshua, as the literal Son of God. This hesitation often stems from a misunderstanding of His divine nature and the roles He embodies. Let’s delve into why Yeshua is not just a historical figure but the divine Son of Yehovah (God),…