The Everlasting Significance of the Fall Feasts: Yehovah’s Command for All Israel

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The Fall Feasts—Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot—are not merely cultural traditions but divinely instituted feasts meant for all of Israel and those who sojourn with them. Commanded to be observed by all future generations “as long as heaven and earth endure” (Matthew 5:18), these feasts are prophetic pictures pointing toward Yeshua and the redemptive plan of Yehovah.

The Feasts: A Universal Command

Scripture explicitly states that these sacred observances were not solely for the native-born but for “you and the foreigner residing among you” (Numbers 9:14). They are a perpetual statute to be observed until heaven and earth pass away.

Distortions and Divergence

Regrettably, the importance of these feasts has been diluted by historic decisions, notably that of Constantine, who instituted pagan-rooted celebrations that steered focus away from Yeshua and the divine plan. This subversion has led many to observe holidays that do not honor Yehovah’s original intent.

Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets)


It heralds the concept of divine kingship and is a prophetic shadow of Yeshua’s second coming.


  • Prepare: Acquire a shofar or trumpet.
  • Activities: Sound the shofar and engage in solemn reflection.
  • Meals: Round challah bread and apples dipped in honey.
  • Do’s and Don’ts: Focus on prayer, avoid laborious work.

Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)


Yeshua is our ultimate High Priest, making eternal atonement for us.


  • Prepare: Fast from sunset to sunset.
  • Activities: Engage in prayer and scriptural reading about atonement.
  • Meals: Break the fast with nourishing foods.
  • Do’s and Don’ts: Maintain the fast and abstain from worldly distractions.

Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles)


Sukkot embodies Yeshua’s reign on earth and His eternal presence with us.


  • Prepare: Build a sukkah, decorate it with natural elements.
  • Activities: Dwell in the sukkah and share meals.
  • Meals: Harvest foods, stuffed vegetables, roast chicken.
  • Do’s and Don’ts: Invite others to celebrate, avoid treating it as an ordinary period.

Observing these feasts is not a matter of legalism but of obedience to Yehovah’s everlasting statutes. They serve as a powerful witness to His redemptive plan through Yeshua and stand in stark contrast to man-made, pagan-rooted observances.

Let us reclaim the richness of these divinely ordained feasts and realize the full scope of the blessings Yehovah has prepared for His people, both native-born and those who sojourn with them.