The Power of Yeshua: What He Had, What He Used, and Why

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When we study the life and ministry of Yeshua (Jesus), it becomes evident that He had access to immense power and authority, yet He chose to exercise restraint. The Scriptures provide numerous accounts of His miracles, authority over nature, demons, and even death itself. Yet Yeshua consistently avoided self-glorification and instead directed all worship to…

I Think It’s Funny

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It’s often amusing—and a bit bewildering—to hear Christian ministers claim that the Old Testament has been “done away with” because Yeshua (Jesus) fulfilled it. What makes this notion ironic is that these very ministers rely on scriptures from the Old Testament (Torah, Prophets, and Writings) for their own teachings, without realizing the contradiction in their…

Why Did Yehovah Wrestle with Jacob and Touch His Hip?

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The story of Jacob wrestling with Yehovah (or a messenger of Yehovah) is one of the most mysterious and profound moments in the Torah. Found in Genesis 32:22-32, it raises questions about its deeper meaning and purpose. Why would Yehovah, the Creator of the universe, engage in a wrestling match with Jacob? Why did He…

Why Does Yehovah Allow Bad Things to Happen to Good People?

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One of the most challenging questions believers face is, Why does a loving and all-powerful Yehovah allow bad things to happen to good people? From our human perspective, it can be difficult to reconcile suffering with the nature of a compassionate Elohim. Yet, Scripture provides us with wisdom, understanding, and clarity when we search the…

The Prohibition Against Consuming Blood

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In the Torah, Yehovah specifically commands His people not to consume the blood of animals, emphasizing its sacredness as the source of life:“But you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood.” (Genesis 9:4). This command was reiterated in the laws given to Israel:“For the life of the flesh is in the…

Biblical Dating: A Guide Rooted in Scripture

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Dating, as we understand it in modern culture, is not directly mentioned in the Bible. However, principles for building strong, God-honoring relationships are woven throughout scripture. Biblical dating offers an alternative to contemporary trends, focusing on commitment, holiness, and intentionality rather than casual encounters. For those seeking to align their relationships with Yehovah’s plan, it’s…

The Twelve Tribes and Their Modern Relevance

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Introduction: A Legacy of Identity and Purpose The twelve tribes of Israel are foundational to understanding the identity and calling of Israel. These tribes represent the descendants of Jacob’s twelve sons—Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, and Benjamin. However, lists of the tribes sometimes vary based on context, illustrating that…

Choosing a Leader: A Biblical Guide as Election Day Approaches

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Introduction: Looking for a Leader in Imperfect Times With Election Day approaching, many are weighing choices for leadership in challenging times. As believers, we know that Yeshua, the only perfect man to walk the earth, exemplifies the qualities we ultimately hope to see in a leader. While no earthly leader will ever match Yeshua’s perfection,…

Christian Traditions and Their Pagan Roots: What Believers Should Know

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Introduction: Re-examining Beliefs and Traditions In modern Christianity, many holiday traditions seem commonplace, yet a closer look reveals that some of these customs originated outside of the biblical faith. For believers seeking to follow Yehovah’s Word, understanding these origins can be essential in making informed decisions about worship. 1 Thessalonians 5:21 instructs, “Test everything; hold…