The Original Sabbath: From Yeshua’s Teachings to Modern Practices

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In the New Testament, Yeshua taught His followers to observe the Sabbath as a day of rest, worship, and spiritual renewal. His teachings reaffirmed the Sabbath’s true purpose, highlighting compassion and mercy over strict legalism. For example, Yeshua healed on the Sabbath (John 5:1-16) and taught, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for…

The Path to Vibrant Salvation: A Lifelong Journey of Transformation

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Salvation is a central theme in many religious traditions, especially Christianity, where it signifies a profound spiritual transformation. This transformation leads individuals away from sin and toward a state of eternal joy and peace with Yehovah (God). However, salvation is not a one-time event or simply a matter of reciting a prayer; it is an…

The Arrival of Our Savior: Unraveling the Mysteries of His Second Coming

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Introduction: Embark on a spiritual journey as we explore the intricate details surrounding Yeshua’s second coming. As followers of the Hebrew Roots movement, it is our sacred duty to understand and internalize these mysteries, preparing ourselves for His triumphant return. Within the vast expanse of Scripture, numerous teachings illuminate this momentous event. These include divine…