The Resplendent Glory of Yehovah and the Deep Symbolism of the Scapegoat Ritual

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In the spiritual narrative of the Hebrew scriptures, the glory of Yehovah stands as an emblem of divine presence, a celestial phenomenon depicting the almighty’s deep connection and guidance to His chosen people. This glory, often witnessed as Shekinah, a divine illumination, resonates profoundly, guiding us through eras of spiritual epitomes and declines. Let us…

Yeshua’s Millennial Reign: A Time of Restoration, Resurrection, and Renewed Bodies

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In the rich tapestry of scriptural prophecies, the millennial reign of Yeshua stands as a pinnacle of hope, offering the assurance of a time where righteousness, peace, and Yehovah’s divine governance dominate the earth. This 1000-year period promises to be a remarkable era of restored paradise, where those who have upheld Yehovah’s commandments will witness…

“Nurturing Holiness and Gratitude: A Parent’s Guide in Troubled Times”

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Introduction:In these challenging times, it’s not uncommon to reflect on the prophetic warnings found in 2 Timothy 3:1-5. This scripture speaks of a future when people may become unthankful and unholy. As parents, preserving our faith and values is paramount. In this comprehensive post, we’ll delve into the reasons behind this prophecy, backed by scripture…

Discovering the Divine Within: A Dual Pathway to Knowing Yehovah and Yourself

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Embarking on a spiritual journey often evokes a duality of exploring one’s inner self while seeking a deeper understanding and connection with the divine, Yehovah. It is a pathway laden with learning, introspection, and cultivation of a life resonant with higher principles outlined in sacred scriptures. This rich exploration stands on the premise that understanding…

Unveiling the Foundations: Yehovah’s Feasts, Roman Counterparts, and the Echoes in Scriptures — A Journey of Rediscovery

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By ADMIN In the intricate tapestry of history woven with threads of diverse traditions and beliefs, the need to rediscover and adhere to the true path illuminated by Yehovah’s directives stands paramount. This expedition of rediscovery immerses us in the rich narratives from the scriptures, guiding us to distinguish Yehovah’s feasts from their Roman counterparts and…