The Address of Heaven: The Christian Hope in the Resurrection and a New Creation

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The concept of heaven has long intrigued Christians, with many envisioning it as a distant, spiritual realm where the faithful go after death. However, the Bible paints a broader picture, suggesting that heaven and earth will ultimately come together after the resurrection, creating a new reality where God’s presence fills the world. Let’s explore this…

Heaven, Earth, and Humanity’s Ultimate Destiny: A Deep Dive into Biblical Promises

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The common images of heaven—as an eternal vacation, floating on clouds with idyllic leisure—are imaginative but starkly different from the biblical depiction of the afterlife and humanity’s ultimate destiny. Let’s delve deeper into the Scriptures to explore the profound theological visions of heaven and a renewed Earth. Heaven: The Holy Dwelling of God Heaven as…

Understanding Israel: The People and The Promise

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In the tapestry of biblical history and prophecy, the identity of Israel holds a profound significance that transcends time, geography, and even lineage. Israel is not just a nation on the map; it’s a concept deeply embedded in spiritual, historical, and covenantal contexts. To grasp the essence of who Israel is, we must explore its…

The Sabbath: A Sign of Our Covenant with Yehovah

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In the rhythm of our weekly lives, the Sabbath holds a profound place for those walking in the path of Yeshua and adhering to the teachings of the Torah. Observing the Sabbath on the appointed day, from Friday evening to Saturday evening, is not merely a matter of tradition but a deep expression of our…

“The Kingdom of Yeshua: An Unchanging and Just Reign”

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Throughout history, kingdoms have often been marked by the rise and fall of monarchs, many of whom start with noble intentions but eventually succumb to the corrupting influences of power and wealth. In contrast, the Kingdom of Yeshua (Jesus) as described in Christian theology, promises a reign that is unchanging, just, and free from human…