The Everlasting Nature of Yehovah’s Covenants

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Covenants play a foundational role in the Scriptures, serving as pillars upon which Yehovah’s relationship with humanity rests. From the time of Adam to the prophetic words of Jeremiah about a New Covenant, these sacred agreements offer deep insights into Yehovah’s character, purposes, and unwavering commitment to His promises. Understanding the Nature of Covenants At…

Navigating the Apocalypse: A Detailed, Chronological Guide to End-Time Events from a Biblical Perspective

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Yeshua’s Warning: “The Time is Not Yet” (Matthew 24:4-8) Yeshua cautions that early signs like wars and natural disasters should not be mistaken as the end. These are merely the “beginning of sorrows.” Signs of the Times (Matthew 24:4-14, 2 Timothy 3:1-5) Moral decline, false prophets, and increased natural disasters characterize this period. However, the…

“The Enigma of the Antichrist and the Significance of the Mark”

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The Antichrist, a figure shrouded in mystery and prophecy, is a recurring topic in Christian eschatology. Rooted deeply within the scriptures, this figure’s identity and characteristics have been subjects of much debate and interpretation. The Antichrist: Who Could He Be?The term “Antichrist” is predominantly found in the New Testament, especially in the Johannine epistles. While…

Is the Current Middle East Conflict the War Prophesied in Ezekiel 38-39?

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As tensions rise and conflict erupts in the Middle East, many are pondering whether these events are the precursor to the prophetic war detailed in the book of Ezekiel, chapters 38 and 39, popularly known as the “War of Gog and Magog.” To explore this, we will delve into the specifics of these biblical prophecies…

Choose You This Day Whom You Will Serve: A Call to Purposeful Living

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Introduction In an age of distraction and moral ambiguity, the Biblical exhortation to “Choose you this day whom ye will serve” (Joshua 24:15) has never been more relevant. The decision to serve Yehovah wholeheartedly is an ongoing choice we must make daily, especially when faced with countless other entities vying for our attention and allegiance.…