The Teachings of Yeshua: Understanding the Use of the Term “Rabbi”

In the teachings of Yeshua (Jesus), we find wisdom and guidance that continues to resonate with believers today. One particular instruction that has sparked debate and contemplation is His teaching on not calling someone “Rabbi.” In this article, we will explore the context and meaning behind Yeshua’s words, examining the scriptural references that shed light on this teaching.

Yeshua’s Instruction:

In Matthew 23:8-10, Yeshua addresses the crowds and his disciples, saying, “But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have one Teacher, and you are all brothers. And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven. Nor are you to be called instructors, for you have one Instructor, the Messiah.”

Understanding the Context:

To grasp the essence of Yeshua’s teaching, it is essential to consider the historical and cultural context in which He spoke. During Yeshua’s time, the title “Rabbi” was used to address respected religious teachers and leaders. It conveyed authority, knowledge, and expertise in matters of Jewish law and interpretation.

Scriptural Perspective:

To gain further insight, we can turn to Yeshua’s broader teachings and the principles found in Scripture.

  1. The Primacy of God: Yeshua’s teachings consistently emphasized the supremacy and authority of God the Father. By discouraging the use of titles such as “Rabbi,” He sought to redirect the focus to the ultimate source of wisdom and instruction—God Himself.
  2. Equality among Believers: Yeshua’s call for unity and equality among His followers is evident throughout His teachings. By stating that “you are all brothers,” He emphasizes the importance of humility, mutual respect, and recognizing that all believers are on an equal spiritual footing before God.
  3. The Role of the Messiah: Yeshua identifies Himself as the true Instructor, the Messiah. He is the ultimate source of spiritual guidance and revelation. By acknowledging Yeshua as the authoritative Teacher, believers recognize that their ultimate allegiance lies with Him.
  4. Avoiding Excessive Honor: Yeshua’s teachings consistently cautioned against seeking honor and recognition for oneself. His teachings encourage humility, selflessness, and a focus on serving others rather than pursuing titles or positions of authority.


Yeshua’s instruction regarding not calling someone “Rabbi” was not a blanket prohibition against using the term in all contexts but rather a call to humility, recognition of God’s ultimate authority, and equality among believers. It reminds us to prioritize our relationship with God and recognize Yeshua as our ultimate Teacher and Guide.

As we navigate the complexities of interpretation, it is essential to approach Yeshua’s teachings with an open heart and a desire to understand the underlying principles. By doing so, we can gain valuable insights that enhance our spiritual journey and help us live out the core teachings of love, humility, and servanthood exemplified by Yeshua Himself.